Coordinated Entry

Coordinated Entry is a streamlined system that assesses households using an objective tool that identifies vulnerability and barriers to housing. Those who are assessed as having the highest vulnerability and housing barriers will be prioritized for access to available housing programs as vacancies occur.

Through homeless service access points, individuals can be assessed and prioritized based on vulnerability and severity of needs. Currently, the CoC prioritizes permanent supportive housing for chronically homeless clients assessed through coordinated entry. Coordinated entry has been implemented with clients who are in need of a rapid rehousing intervention.

Within the Atlanta Continuum of Care, there are stationary access points where clients can get assess for coordinated entry on a first come, first serve basis. Mobile assessments are performed by local PATH teams. Each client that is seen by a PATH worker or at stationary access points are assessed using the VI-SPDAT.

If you have general questions on coordinated entry for the Atlanta CoC, please contact coordinated entry.

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Move Atlanta Forward by Giving Back!

This #GivingTuesday, Partners for HOME invites you to join us in making a meaningful impact in the lives of our neighbors experiencing homelessness.

Since 2016, we’ve partnered with the City of Atlanta and the Atlanta Continuum of Care (CoC) to achieve a 30% reduction in homelessness. This milestone is a testament to the power of collaboration and compassion.



OCTOBER 10, 2024