LIFT 2.0 grants provide funding to for one of 10 priority areas as part of the LIFT 2.0 homeless response plan to house 1,500 households by December 31, 2024. The plan targets people experiencing unsheltered and chronic homelessness in the City of Atlanta.
There are no funding opportunities at this time.
Agencies interested in applying for a LIFT 2.0 grant should:
- Have tax exempt status under IRS code 501(c)(3) or be a qualified governmental agency.
- Demonstrate fiscal and administrative stability.
- Deliver services addressing one of the 10 priority areas.
- Be located in the United States and serve clients in the City of Atlanta.
- Submit only one request for the same priority area in a 3-month period.
In addition to applications being reviewed for complete answers to questions and adherence to program models, reviewers will also look for an agency’s:
- Ability to measure and report on established project outcomes.
- Commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion and leverage racial equity/social justice and sustainability best practices and principles in implementation of the project.
- Fiscal management and ability to manage government and private grants.
- Applications will receive a (blind) review by internal PfH team members and/or up to 3 external subject matter experts.
- An average of the scores will be used to rank applicants and award grant funds to top scorer(s).
Current subgrantees may receive priority consideration for new funding in the category they currently receive funding for based on:
- Scorecard performance on current LIFT 2.0 grant(s)
- Application score
- Current experience with the program being offered
- Fidelity to the program model
- Data quality for all prior projects in HMIS
- Performance on contracts issued within in the past 12 months
- Fiscal stability and diversity of funding
- Number of currently awarded contracts from the CoC
Priority consideration is not a guarantee of funding and Partners for HOME reserves the right to award grants to agencies not currently funded for LIFT 2.0 priority areas.