Quick Development Units Coming to Atlanta

Low-Cost, Quick-Delivery Shelter and Housing Units Introduced
for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness

Donated GEMA COVID-19 Shipping Container Units will Kick off City-Wide Initiative

ATLANTA, GA— Partners for HOME, on behalf of the Atlanta Continuum of Care, will work with the City of Atlanta to develop hundreds of lost-cost, quick shelter and housing units to support people experiencing homelessness in the City of Atlanta. On July 31, 2023 Mayor Andre Dickens issued an Executive Order directing the City to allocate $4M to Partners for HOME to begin phase one of the plan. Activities will include acquiring and moving portable COVID-19 ICU units donated from the Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA) to City-owned property.

“Our hope for this new plan is to develop more options for people experiencing homelessness to get off the streets and into a place of their own,” said Partners for Chief Executive Office Cathryn Vassell. “This is in addition to our LIFT 2.0 homeless response plan to house 1,500 households by December 31, 2024,” continues Vassell.

The use of the former ICU units will help reduce costs and time to create new shelter and housing opportunities for unhoused neighbors.  Once relocated to the City of Atlanta, Partners for HOME will work with local firm, Atlantica Properties, to manage the unit developments and ensure community members are engaged in the development process.

The Administration has identified 184 Forsyth Street in downtown Atlanta to locate the first phase of units. The site offers easy access to the Garnett MARTA and wraparound support services such health care, substance abuse treatment, educational and employment assistances, and navigation to permanent housing.

The anticipated completion date for the first phase is December 31, 2023.


For more information about Partners for HOME, please visit www.partnersforhme.org.
Follow Partners for HOME on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @partnersforhome.

Previous Health and Housing Panel: September 7, 2023

Copyright © 2023 Partners for HOME. All Rights Reserved.

Move Atlanta Forward by Giving Back!

This #GivingTuesday, Partners for HOME invites you to join us in making a meaningful impact in the lives of our neighbors experiencing homelessness.

Since 2016, we’ve partnered with the City of Atlanta and the Atlanta Continuum of Care (CoC) to achieve a 30% reduction in homelessness. This milestone is a testament to the power of collaboration and compassion.



OCTOBER 10, 2024