HUD CoC Program Competition

The Atlanta CoC process for the HUD NOFO Program Competition begins with the CoC Registration, followed by the review and approval of the Grant Inventory Worksheet (GIW) and the release of the CoC Program NOFO. The FY Competition ends when the final funding announcement is released by HUD.

Partners for HOME, as the Collaborative Applicant for the Atlanta CoC, is responsible for overseeing this process, which includes a local competitive application process and the submission of the CoC Consolidated Application to HUD, which consists of the CoC Application, the CoC Priority Listing, and the Project Applications.

This process is one that involves the CoC community and is not just about writing a grant.  It gives Partners for HOME a chance to showcase the work that the CoC has been doing throughout the past year and plans to continue to do in the coming year.  While the HUD NOFO competition can be complex and involved, it is an important process that we hope you consider taking part in.

Partners for HOME is committed to providing equal access to its services and opportunities to all people regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, or age. To request a reasonable accommodation or alternate format or language, please email Partners for HOME.

On October 8, 2024, the Governing Council voted to approve the Priority List that will be included with the Atlanta CoC application to HUD for the FY2024 NOFO and all applicants were notified of their ranking and funding level.  On October 9, 2024, an email was sent to the CoC mailing list, which includes all CoC members, stakeholders, partners, and interested community members.  Postings were also made on October 9, 2024, on various Collaborative Applicant’s, Partners for Home, social media sites, in an effort to reach the general public.  Click here to view the Priority List.

Partners for Home, as the Atlanta CoC Collaborative Applicant, announces the Consolidated Application for the FY24 CoC Program Competition!

Click here to review the approved Consolidated Application.

Click here to review the approved Priority Listings for Reallocation forms and all new and renewal project listings.

If you have any questions or comments about the approved application, please email Amy Zaremba.


FY24 Local Competition

FY24 HUD Info

Copyright © 2023 Partners for HOME. All Rights Reserved.

Move Atlanta Forward by Giving Back!

This #GivingTuesday, Partners for HOME invites you to join us in making a meaningful impact in the lives of our neighbors experiencing homelessness.

Since 2016, we’ve partnered with the City of Atlanta and the Atlanta Continuum of Care (CoC) to achieve a 30% reduction in homelessness. This milestone is a testament to the power of collaboration and compassion.



OCTOBER 10, 2024